Healing Wonders of the Amazon Rainforest

Erva Tostao (Boerhaavia diffusa)

An herbaceous plant belonging to the family Nyctaginaceae. The whole part of the plant specifically the leaves, stem and roots are known to possess medicinal properties, and long regarded by indigenous and tribal people in India as an essential herb with potential medicinal value use in alleviating several human ailments.
It contains many ethnobotanical uses, such as the leaves are taken as vegetables; the root can be made into a juice to fight asthma, urinary disorders, leukorrhoea, rheumatism and encephalitis, and traditionally used as a natural medicine in the Ayurvedic system. Moreover, it also contains several pharmacological, clinical, and anti-microbial properties. And in one research it was found that the plant carries antiviral properties against phytopathogenic viruses. The isolated antiviral properties it contains was found to be a glycoprotein, that is considered as essential in protecting some important crops from being infected by plant viruses.

Pharmacological and clinical properties
Most research and clinical studies have shown that Erva tostao possesses punarnavoside, which exhibits a wide range of properties, that includes anti-inflammatory,antifibrinolytic, anti-convulsant, anti-bacterial, anti-stress agent, anti-hepatotoxic, anthelmintic febrifuge, anti-leprosy, anti-asthmatic, anti-scabies, anti-urethritis, and anti-nematodal activity. Due to the presence of all these properties, the herb is regarded therapeutically effective for the treatment of inflammatory renal diseases and common ailments such as nephritic syndrome, oedema, and ascites resulting from early cirrhosis of the liver and chronic peritonitis.

Carqueja (Baccharis genistelloides, trimera) leaf and stem

This particular herb is from the Amazon Rainforest, is a Brazilian plant which carries several botanical names including Baccharis genistelloides, B. triptera, B. trinervis, and B. Trimera. That carries a long history of use as a potential herbal medicine in Brazil as a natural digestive and liver aid, as well as in demonstrating beneficial biological activities in most laboratory research.
It contains several active and beneficial phytochemicals which it possesses naturally in all parts of the plant.

Clinical Properties
Carqueja contains many pharmacological properties such as analgesic, anatacid, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerous, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-viral,digestive stimulant, gastrotonic (strengthens the gastric system), hepatoprotective (liver protector), hepatotonic (balances the liver), hypoglycaemic, hypotensive (lowers blood pressure), uterine stimulant, and as an insect repellent.

Contraindications: It should not be used during pregnancy.

Simarouba (Simarouba amara) bark

The plant of Simarouba amara are commonly found deep in the rainforest of the Amazon region and other tropical climate countries like Brazil, Florida and the islands of Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Barbados. It carries other common names for which it is known like Dysentery bark, mountain damson, slave wood, maruba, sumaruppa, bitter damson, quassia simaruba.
The part of the tree that is mostly used is the bark; as it contains sufficient amount of volatile oil, malic and gallic acids, lignin, resinous matter, various mineral salts, and bitter properties similar to that of quassin.

Medicinal properties
As a bitter tonic, the herb restores the tones and balances the intestinal flora. It is mostly useful in cases of lost appetite, weakened digestion and encourages the patient to sleep. However, in great amount of dosage, the bark can cause nausea and vomiting, so extra care is advised in taking the plant.
The synergy of all these herbs found in Amazon A-P capsules (created by Ms. Leslie Taylor) can be a great potential and breakthrough in natural medicine. Today, Raintree Formulas was allowed by Ms. Taylor to re-use her formula in order to continue her goal which is to aid people with serious health problems.

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